Padmesh Ji
in Social Activities
 1. As a
Rotarian :
Padmesh ji is related to Rotary
International as a Deputy Governer from 1999 to 2000. During his
tenure he actively participated in developing rotary also to
perform lot of social activities for the benefit of common human
being of the society. He also engaged himself in developing
weaker society.
2. Srijan Mahotsava - Every year Padmesh Ji arranges "Srijan
Mahotsava" from 1980. In such Mahotsava, cultural
activities like Music, dance and many more performed by
participants. Program on Literature and Arts also arranged to
promote persons related to such fields.
3. Environment - Pandit Ji is also the president of
"Environment India", which has the rare distinction of entering
the "Limca book of Record" by planting 1,11,112 trees in one
day. Serving environment, serving nature and nurture is the
theme of his Environment India society
4. Sarv Brahmin Mahasabha - Padmesh Ji is the founder member
of "Sarv Brahman Mahasabha", an association of All Brahmins of